Friday, 30 May 2014

खुदी - ख़ुदा - खुदाई

ख़ुदा ऐसी खुदाई तू दे की ख़ुदा के सिवा कुछ दिखाई न दे !
खुदी को देखू , ख़ुदा देखूं और खुदी पे जाँनिसार हो जाये !!

बे-परवाह खुद से बे मुरव्वत मैं खुद को भूलूँ खुदाई भूलूँ 
खुद को चाहूँ खुद को पूजूँ ,खुदी से खुशनुमा दैरोकरम हो जाये !!

खुद को देखूँ तो कायनात देखूँ , खुद को भूलूँ तो दो जहाँ भूलूँ
इनायत करम रहमत हो तो खुशगवार शोख दग़ीचा हो जाये !!

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Thursday, 29 May 2014

ॐ सर्वव्यापी सत्ता

आध्यात्मिकता के सन्दर्भ में

ॐ  गति  में 
ॐ विश्राम में 
  कल्पना में 
  पराक्रम में 
ॐ  हथेलियों में 
ॐ  स्पर्श  में   
ॐ  पदयात्रा  में 
ॐ  दृष्टि  में 
ॐ  श्रवण  में 
ॐ  जिव्हा  में 
ॐ  वाणी में 
ॐ  क्रंदन  में 
ॐ आहत  में 
ॐ अनाहत  में  
ॐ अनहद में 
ॐ  स्पंदन में 
ॐ  प्रेम में 
ॐ  ह्रदय मे
ॐ  भाव  में 

 श्वांस श्वांस  में आता  जाता ……  ॐ  को  देखूं  .......  ॐ  को जानू  ......  को पाऊँ 

जीवकर्म के सन्दर्भ में >

ॐ प्रवाह में 
ॐ  कला में 
ॐ  विषय में 
ॐ  भोग में 
ॐ  वियोग में  
ॐ  श्रद्धा में 
ॐ  ध्यान में 
ॐ  कर्म में 
ॐ निष्ठां में 
ॐ प्रतिष्ठा में 
ॐ विश्राम में 
ॐ विश्वास में 
ॐ कल्याण में 
ॐ  व्यक्त भी 
ॐ अव्यक्त भी 
 ॐ की रचना  
  की कृतियाँ 
ॐ  का जीवन   

ॐ  की मृत्यु   ॐ  के बाहर ॐ  के अंदर  ……  ॐ  को  देखूं  .......  ॐ  को जानू  ......  को पाऊँ 

स्व आत्मिक उर्ध्वता  के अर्थ में  >

ॐ  मान में 
ॐ अवमान में 
ॐ  सम्मान में 
ॐ  क्रोध  में 
ॐ  लोभ में
ॐ  व्यवहार में
ॐ  दुर्व्यवहार में 
ॐ  पीड़ाओं में 
ॐ  आंसुओं में 
ॐ  चीत्कार में 
ॐ  मंथन में 
ॐ  प्रयास में  
ॐ  कृत्य में 
ॐ अकृत्य  में 
ॐ क्षणभंगुरता में 
ॐ अमरता में 

 तृष्णा  की  झिलमिल  मृगमरीचिका  में सर्वव्यापी……  ॐ  को  देखूं  .......  ॐ  को जानू  ......  को पाऊँ 

असारता  के सन्दर्भ में >

ॐ  प्राण में 
ॐ  वायु में 
ॐ  अग्नि में 
ॐ  जल में 
ॐ  मन्त्र  में  
ॐ  पत्थर  में 
ॐ  विस्मृति में   
ॐ  स्मृति में  भी 
ॐ  गर्भ में 
ॐ  कणकेंद्र में 
ॐ  पृथ्वीगर्भ में 
ॐ  सौरकेंद्र  में 
ॐ  ब्रह्माण्ड केंद्र  में 
ॐ  आकाश गंगा केंद्र में  
ॐ  नभ  की व्यापकता  में 

 ॐ  विस्तृत फैलावट में व्योम-केंद्र  बन  सर्वव्यापी……  ॐ  को  देखूं  .......  ॐ  को जानू  ......  को पाऊँ 

पराविज्ञान  के सन्दर्भ में >
ॐ  वेद में 
ॐ  संहिता 
ॐ  उपनिषद 
ॐ  ऋषिवाणी 
ॐ  चराचार में 
ॐ  को समझूँ
ॐ  को जानूँ 
ॐ  को  पाऊँ  
  कण कण में
ॐ  ऱज ऱज में 
ॐ  रजकण में  
ॐ  हर रजकण केंद्र  में

ॐ   प्रस्थापित सूक्ष्तम्  अर्थ  में सर्वव्यापी……  ॐ  को  देखूं  .......  ॐ  को जानू  ......  को पाऊँ 

परिवार के अर्थ में   >

ॐ  सत्य  में, साहस में 
ॐ  बुजुर्गों  के आदर में 
ॐ  कुटुंब  के  निर्वाह में  
ॐ  मातृत्व में, पितृत्व में 
ॐ  बालक में, साहचर्य में  
  प्रेम-कर्तव्य पालन  में , 
ॐ  रिश्तों की सुदृढ़ नीव में 
ॐ  साहसी संघर्ष  के ढंगों में 
  लौकिक भावों  के रंगों में 
  अलौकिकता की  सूची में 
ॐ  की सत्ता अमानवता  में भी 

ॐ  मानव  के  मानव  होने   में  सर्वव्यापी  ....   ॐ   को  देखूं  .......  ॐ  को जानू  ......   को  पाऊँ 

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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

travel to the edge to find center of heart

Sometimes soul have to travel to the edge of Ourselves
to find the Centre

Amazingly  it happens  sit at one place  with thirsty soul 
with burning  heart .

People really  mad  involves  in quarrels-logic with minds
and loss hidden  gems 

Whose able to  find intelligence  in  earthy elements which
already gifted by lord   !

Bend  knees, starts do  collection  of sparkled diamonds
spread all around 

Just looked in-center of heart,  thou available  with smiles 
whenever and every-time 

To find   some times  get  ages since and  some time he 
smiles and embrace 

All efforts are to live in middle  of center , center of  axis 
Human's Lotus Point  

Don't  involves always findings of  results, just be shackles
in karma of middle 

Prosperity   happiness everything  will comes ,   if  able to 
find Thee Center of All 

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I Will Not Die an Unlived Life ( Dwana Markova )

And freefall happens !

query comes once, on poetry birth

how it happens in ornamental style !

such a rhythmic way look silent song

a poetry weaved alike eclat garland ...

difficult to express exact those vibes 

trying  to revealed with best example !

whenever  I sees   clouds  and wind 

and ears listens the sound of thunder 

whenever  body  feels  tiny droplets 

after shower very first smell of  mud

sudden swings takes place in  mind  

pit-a-pat starts with shivering smiles  ...

tapping get rasp and  titillate thoughts 

body get involved with soul in dance 

freefall happens in poetic-pretty-hearts

the perfect  moment to poetry get born ...

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Poetry & write ups

Two types poets  and writers ; One need pen first , then they  start writing …
Another  are to feel first , then starts writing ; both are exists ,both are live …

One needs ;

just i’ve pen in my fingers 
and started writing bla bla 

without thinking  feelings
just i’ve pen in my fingers 

lines emergence  placing  
transp lotus get bloomed  

to write ups no time / place 
just need  pen in my fingers

we’re ready, hope you’re too !
As we’re writer and we're poet 

Another are ;

love  calmness  first  placed 
in  lovely  beauty  surrounds 

love  lay  down  nature’s  lap 

love  to  hear  cuckoo’s  sing 

long   walks  on  Ocean shore 

with  sipping  drinks  in  hand 

can’t  resist  to do closed eyes 

first  to  awaken ,  inner  being  

feels better , conditioned now 

perfect to pen for finger’s grip

whatever writes not in knowing 

any creation grows under  love

unaware pre-framing to them 
As we’re writer and we're poet !!

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Tuesday, 27 May 2014


माने की न कहा करो जब तलक पास रहो 
गुफ्तगु अपनी किया करो औ मेरी सुना करो ! 

लोग तो कैसे भी जी लेते है, जी लेंगे तेरे बिन 
हमारी बात और है हमने तो मोहब्बत की है !

वख्त वो भी था बंद मुठी से फिसल बहता गया
मिजाज को इसके बहता दरिया कहते है लोग !

नब्ज जिंदगी की पकड़ सको तो, हाकिम बनो
कमोबेश तो जाहिल भी जिंदगी गुजार ही लेते है !

अलग अलग टुकड़ो में इनकी बयानी न समझ
एक एक शेर को एक माला में हम पिरोये बैठे है !

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Monday, 26 May 2014

natural healers

Creativity; an harmless feature 

the most original natural healer 
creativity shows one's real wealth..

search it,  obtain it and get along 
its gives chance to grow up again 
life-line to anyone's inner health ..

voice of interest listen carefully

pertinent to live it and  boost it 
anyways nurture mind and soul 
Lord ; provides to all, as facility ..
sound of heart always a poetry  
sings always like Cuckoo bird 
do dance as slobbery on floor 
play with colors like a festival .. 

passion of driving is relaxing 

swims  in pool  like a dolphin 
talking chatting or computing 
passion  for work  is also one ..

travelling  always good to soul  

photography  best creative art  
some time religion  or spiritual 
some time  alone or  in crowd ...

explore and save creative life 

its work anyway to happiness 
worth as in one's brighter days 
more giftes gives in slope time  ...

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O' Dear Soul ! wait for a second

23 nov 2013 

O my Soul , O' Dear Soul ! 
want to do rest here 
wait for a second ...

Take a breath , 
fresh n deep 
fragrant and minted .... 

having arms are Open and with me
here is love and  love and Only love

O my Soul , 

O my Soul .....

want to rest in peace here !

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Blue sky and Greenland

26 nov 2013 

Blue sky above and 
Greenland is down 
I am floating in middle
To save me from rocks 

water holds me n pushing up .
Cold breeze giving me direction ,
Imagine , Krishna is blowing softly his flute
Magical Music comes out over that i m dancing ....

in middle of Ocean , above of waves .
On the Notations of your's
I am performing 

O My soul ,
would you like to rest here !

Love - Love - Love

Serenity ! Just say wow !

29 nov 2013 

Just say wow !

Blue Serenity !

white Purity !

Beneath , Soft wavy Water Bed !

aloft shed of white snowflakes !

O ' Beautiful , soul would you like to rest here !!

झीनी बहती सर्द हवाए

3 jan 2014

झीनी बहती सर्द हवाए
झीनी झीनी भीगी ओस

झीनी झीनी झांकती रौशनी 

आसमानी झरोखे से देखा तुझे एक बार 

आग्रह , अनुग्रह प्रेम पूर्ण निमत्रण है तुझे 
क्या कहु प्रिये , खामोश हूँ , निःशब्द हो गयी हूँ 

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Soul Interconnections

Truly i feel all souls are Interconnected ....
Some times and Some where
kabhi na kabhi kahin na kahi ,)
some thing is link among us
kuchh na kuchh to jarur hai ).
whatever we have between us
ye jo bhi hamare darmiya hai )
Some hidden current must be there .
uska falfasa to jarur hai .. )
(5 Nov. 2013)

Love Life Span

Total Journey length of the thread of …
Birth of One Love to Egoistic and Painful End
Through Only Journey of Poor Judgments …
Major cause of creation of Great china wall between any of two …
We Born to cause of love , by love , for love
We made language of love and peace to communicate
We misunderstand lapses of communication, most of times
We give our try heard to understand to control all sequences …
Performance shown results as Human error
we get relate only ; whatever we understand
And finally we comes to one side conclusions.
Conclusions convert into judgments ; it shown in voice
After lapses, from core of heart we still stands alone with love only…
We need Only love and respect
We want to give Only love and respect
Get away form unnecessary immature judgments -
Are the Cause of all conflict comes among two human; in any relation …
(3 dec 2013 )

Non Duality and Duality

Whenever I close my eyes supple ,
you get settle in my thoughts , with all lighted Oneness ,
Whenever I open my lashes ,
you jumped out and sit in front of me , In all duality ,
O Thou, its never happen ever,
Even in my unsettle dreams , when i feel alone without you .
(3 dec 2013)

Iceberg of Soul

I am In the Life
I am In beyond
I am In Silence
I am In beyond
I am In Sound
I am In beyond
I am In Nature
I am In beyond
I am In Vacuum
I am In beyond
how much appears in shallow
Much More i am in deep
here is Iceberg  and deep blue Ocean
O’ my Soul , would you like to settle here in peace
(15 dec 2013)

I am The King of My Kingdom

Who is the king like me ? daily when I wake up in the Morning ,
servants get ready to receive my orders of the day ,
with all folding hands , they stands half bend in one queue ;
and each one obeys in full ; not half  and I am the king  !
my heart is full of gratitude of  my workers  and to God  ..
O’ Lord , for ownership  of  such a beautiful Kingdom .
i am the richest person   with all Obedience of them .
(16  Dec. 2013 )

Peeping Glory From Clouds ; A Rainbow

O‘ lord,amazing y'r glory
powerful magnet attracts
towards your beauty .

O‘ love, spread all colours, 

do overwhelm to my heart

shower of Love showering
even the shadow of clouds .

thank you for life-rainbow ..
thank you for love-rainbow ..
thank you for all !
Amen !

(21 dec 2013 )

And You are flowing in my veins

O my Blue ,
You are flowing in my veins..
Surrounded with white sheet
And some thing melting inside 
See the beauty of thy
Mesmerized i am and
See the light in my heart
Again i m stands to run
On White Soft Pulverized spread sheet ..
My legs starts intrude in the snow
slowly my half body intruded
Only my neck is up to see beauty your’s ……
Seeing you clearly ! melting inside
and you are running in my veins
Now i am going to vanish inside of white ……………
O my Soul ! Would you like to rest here ……………..

(27 jan 2014 )

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Is it possible!

Is it possible ,  
Only for Good souls  for the good cause  of Universal call
to  collective work for peace love and light for mother earth …

Is it Possible ,
Only good souls may get collect together and work only
for green  and happy fruitful and fertile mother land  !..

Is it possible ,
Only good souls get unite all over world for the cause of;
good for entire human being may it for nation or earth……. 

Is it possible,
Only good Souls come out from above of local parties and;
make their own good  Soul_Party for the cause of noble …..

is it possible
On no specific religion call , no specific political cause ,
no specific party call ,  collect unitedly  only for the  good…..

(12 March 2014)
Good Souls for The Good Cause :<br /><br /><br />
---------------------------------------</p><br /><br />
<p>Is it Possible , Only good souls  get collect  together  only for good cause ! it may for nation or for universe ..</p><br /><br />
<p>Is it possible , Only good souls  get unite  all over world  for the cause of good for entire human being ......</p><br /><br />
<p>Is it possible, Only  good Souls  come out from parties  and make their own good people party  for the cause of good .....</p><br /><br />
<p>On  no specific  religion call  , no specific  nation  cause , no specific party call , is it possible ,  is it possible for the cause of good.....</p><br /><br />
<p>love light  n peace

is it possible!
is it possible!
is it possible!

love light n peace to all

Earth meets to Sky

Sky is so vast collected  all colors on his chest
Beautiful earth smoked and move-up ; meet the sky
O’ Love is Ignite, Love is spring , Love is breeze 
Seven colors look as necklace of her beauty 
Sky has patience to the earth for unlimited 
  And Earth has surrendered to sky with no limit 
Beauty of patience and gravity of surrender 
   O’ Love is pure , Love is infinite , Love is divine !!
  Sweet  Dear soul !! would you like to rest here !!
(15 March 2014)
Lata Tewari's photo.

Love of Thy

The Silent Love of Thy 
Through My Eyes..
Coolly get settled 
On my trembling emotions 
I am speechless 
To see you 
Around myself 
 On the  sky , Like a clouds , Like a colors 
cuddle and Impenetrate
On My Identity
(27 march 2014)

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O ‘ My Destiny (somewhere, some time)

In flow, somewhere, some time
we may met to another way
In another frame on another circle
In flow, somewhere, some time
some time we may get Introduced
some time we may get unacquainted.
In flow , somewhere , some time we
may met in another color or shape
would recognise me silently ! My destiny ..
19 04 2014