Friday, 26 May 2017

एक ही है

सौंदर्य एक,विभीषिका एक है एक ही बोली, चित्र एक ही है एक ही वीणा, करतल एक है गीत मेंअनहद स्वर एक ही है उसके बजते ढोल की ताल से- मिलती, बावरे तेरी लय एक है घुंघरू से उठी रुनझुन एक है एक मंजीरा नृत्य भी एक ही है तीन लोक मापती थाप एक है एक पूर्णपुरुष, पूर्णस्त्री एक है एक प्रकाश, अन्धकार एक है एक ही सीढ़ी, यात्रा एक ही है एक दिशा को चल पड़े हैं जो वो फ़क़ीर तू भी तो एक ही है अपनी प्रथम श्वांस से पूछना महावियोग क्षण भी एक ही है तेरी अंतिम श्वांस भी ये कहे है महा-मिलन का संयोग एक है इस में घुला है समय-युगों का सतत प्रवाहित पल एक ही है

** for one life, if you can think wise, All the stories only stories, reality is one and only one! why cause the soul is one with one body, to live, whatever it is! Ever you notice, you ready to roam all market, all showrooms to purchase "one" in excellence, but you can buy only one.. you can not take the market in the home. even in one shop, we have big seduction to look n touch all in same or higher price range but it's our limit we need to choose according to requirement .... this is as human our basic habit.
Same with soul and her bearings of karma, Our act effect on stories basis only, and we also allow from many of them to give bounce effect to us. but in core reality, we can live only with own bearings (no matter how hard n how much soft) till than life allow . after that No bearings.
So that sing One wise song,
Make one wise music,
Do one wise dance and also
Trust upon one supreme connection.
In any condition/circumstances under bearing, Death also occurs only one time for one soul. no possibility for the soul quit many times from one body. The bearing principle works till last breath of One's body. Rest is just wandering for Infinite satisfaction, None to work really.

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