I ' am The sole witness of my Oldest Soul and
These are Nine Cosmic Riddles are the player
of my mind ....
And These Nine Cosmic Riddles are ~
1- Wonder when and why there is Big-Bang
happens in past and now when it will happen in
future !
2- Why is universe fine tuned with the mind and
for life!
3- Why the world if quantum its appears
classical !
4- Is there Any Super Consciousness in
Universe !
5- How the life begin , though history Scientific
researches are little informative
but not enough !
6- Where the time come from , and where to go
Including us !
7- What is the universe
made of
8- Who designs the universe
and why !!
9- Does the brain produce the mind , and rest is
nothing !
** These wonderful 9 Riddles come from In
Tea Session held on 9/ sep / 2011 in one
conference of world's famous psychologists at the USA
Here I am ...........
out of all documentations and
Pieces of information sources !
Pure and Wise Oldest Soul
Sole Witness of the eternal
time of my Origin and source
And I 'm
On & Of
each and every round of mine ,
each time is rubbing ,
and each cycle is
polishing ...
and each time growing
little more ...
This is the Path Of The Soul
If I've the holdings and
the force of power to holds
my strength are
mistaken !!
Listen Dear holding ! you
are not who makes me strong
you are simply ego
you can give me only
burns and wounds
on each and every holding of your's
Now I understand ;
an effort to make a hold for inner
strength , Oh ! How those fake efforts were !!
actually, The ego serves weakness
absolutely , towards letting go's
The brain is fraught with flaws.
Self-importance and seamless
integration of all
things/beings/life creatures are
indeed creations of our brain
as we oversimplify the process.
Magnetism of a loving
conscious is a powerful source
to mould potentiality. We can
only change what we touch,
leave in our marks of art and
effused effort, we are physical
beings in the factual sense, but
de-exist on my temporal levels.
letting go...........is the true power !
letting go............ is a true lover of Feminine Delicate Life
letting go............ is a true "happiness of life"
(Mantra of Happiness)
A bliss and full strength ReaIise
God-Kings and Goddesses-queens
Have a pleasant~peaceful~productive
Sunrise~Sunset~Moonlight~ Air bliss ~
Greens ~ WaterFalls~ Rivers ~ Oceans
Blessed with lots of love peace joy happiness
prosperity smiles and laughter
Feel this Reality ~
" I'm here DESIGNATED BY LORD to feel all
blessings with
happiness and joy "
After Life ; there is the only vacuum left ,
no words to describe that vacuum only
feel ~ If You Can !
enjoy the life fullest wisely ; is each one's
A Cosmic wellbeing Vedic chant wellness for all :
सर्वे भवन्तुः सुखिना , सर्वे सन्तु निरामया
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु , माँ कश्चित
दुःख भाग्भवेत
All get Blissful , All get Healthy
All See the Prosperity , No one left Unhappy/
Sad/ Ill
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