Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Handicapped Feelings

#Istambul‬ ‪#Peaceistheway

Feeling thoughtful
it's fake excessive talkative only.

Feeling pity for victims
its sounds political job of leaders.

Feeling shame,
actually, shame is not enough....!

Feeling pain,
my pain can't take the pain of victims.

Feeling wounds
haven't time to clot, they bleed nonstop.

‬ *Prayers for wisdom to humanity . sending love and peace vibes for strength

1 comment:

  1. this Poetry touches all wonded hearts from warriors of against humanity , may it #Kashmir , May it #Istambul , May it #syria , may it Pakistan , may it afganistan may it Nizeria may it Iraq , may it India , May it France , may it crime against #child , may it Crime against #woman , may it crime against #Old.
    My prayesr for send strength to them , and sending Devine vibes to all for all wellbeing and happiness . Take Care .
